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How decluttering can change your life

It is truly amazing how we acquire and hold on to things. That cute trinket in the second-hand store or reduced item in the sale that you thought would look amazing on your shelf. Or that memento you just had to have when you saw it on that unforgettable holiday. All slowly stack up and create a perfect storm that starts to bother your peace.

Recent minimalist living trends championed by Marie Kondo gave rise to more awareness around the impact of how we organise our spaces. Where we spend most of our time impacts our mind, health and outlook. In extreme cases, excess clutter can signal severe mental disease. But you don't need to be a hoarder to benefit from regularly decluttering your space. Let's look at some of the ways having a clearer space can benefit your wellbeing.

Increased Focus and Mental Clarity

Decluttering your physical environment can have a direct impact on some people's mental state. A clean, organised space can help you feel more focused and productive. Without the visual distraction of clutter, it can feel easier to concentrate on tasks, leading to better work quality and quicker completion times. A tidy environment creates a calming effect, allowing you to think more clearly and stay on track.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Clutter often leads to feelings of stress and overwhelm. By simplifying your surroundings, you can significantly reduce anxiety. Knowing where everything is, and not being bombarded by piles of items can make life feel more manageable. This sense of control over your environment can also help improve mood and energy.

Better Time Management

A cluttered space can impact length of time spent trying to locate every day items — keys, important papers, clothes. Organising your space means everything has its place, and can save you hours each week lost to searching for things. This can translate to better time management and a less frantic start to the mornings.

Enhanced Creativity

Having a clean, minimalist space can open up mental room for creativity. Without clutter to distract you, you can feel more motivated to work on creative projects. Whether writing, painting, or brainstorming, you may find that a clear space gives you more of a creative flow to bring that masterpiece to life.

More Mindful Consumption

Decluttering can help you realise how much unnecessary stuff you have accumulated over the years. This awareness can lead to more mindful consumption habits and more intentional purchases, focusing on quality over quantity and only acquiring items that serve a clear purpose or that bring true joy. This shift reduced impulse spending and helped me maintain a clutter-free home.

Improved Relationships

Living in a cluttered space can often cause tension in some relationships, especially if one half of the partnership prefers a clear space. Decluttering your living space can create e a more peaceful and welcoming environment, a better atmosphere and calmer energy

Decluttering isn’t just about organising your space — it’s about creating a lifestyle that promotes clarity, productivity, and peace.


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